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Cole, Page
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Voted the Best Business Book by the Florida Author and Publishers Association in 2015! "According to research conducted in several statewide surveys around the country, fraudulent telemarketing techniques have victimized 26 percent of the entire U.S. adult population at some point in their lives. Every year, these victims, 57 percent of whom are over the age of 50, lose a total of $40 billion to telemarketing fraud alone, according to a 2001 AARP study." Retirement Industry Trust Association These victims are our parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends. What can we do to protect them? How can we help? This new resource "Protecting Your Nest Egg: Fraud Protection for Senior Citizens from Con Artists, Thieves and Scams" is just what you need to help prepare and protect seniors from being the victims of fraud! The foreword is written by the best-selling and multi-award winning author and elder care expert Angil Tarach-Ritchey. As the founder of www.ElderBoom.org, and author of "Behind the Old Face: Aging in America and the Coming Elder Boom", she is an expert in issues related to seniors. Help protect yourself and seniors from scammers, con artists and thieves, and guard your nest egg of retirement for your golden years! This book includes a comprehensive list and description of the most common and current scams and ways to effectively deal with and protect against them. There are also a "Scam Prevention Worksheet" and a "Scam Risk Survey" to help individuals assess just how likely they or a loved one are to fall prey to one of these scammers, and some practical tips and guidelines to best prepare them. Author Page Cole has over 30 years experience working with seniors, and currently is the owner of 2 Visiting Angels Senior Homecare franchises. He works on a regular basis with seniors in his church as well, and in his years of interacting with seniors and law enforcement has seen first hand what damage can be done to the assets and credit rating or unsuspecting seniors. This book is written for their protection and in their honor
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